Front Porch Sessions

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Marchel Marcos

PPACE Director, APANO Action Fund

Marchel Marcos was born and raised on O'ahu, Hawai'i (Roosevelt Rough Ridahz alumni!) and moved to Portland, Oregon in 2010. Marchel is currently the Political, policy, advocacy, and civic engagement (PPACE) Director at APANO Action Fund. Marchel is the founder of Voice for Survivors which will be the first survivor led, survivor centered domestic violence and sexual assault c4 organization to elect more folks that will champion DVSA issues. Marchel is the co-owner of Rooted by Plant Mami's selling beautiful hand-picked crystals, indoor plants, and now permanent jewelry. 

Marchel is the mother of Royce (11) and Kenji (7) and enjoys traveling adventures, photography, and fashion!






This Speaker is Featured In: Front Porch Sessions Presents Maui Fire Relief Benefit